1- Activity: My Family House (Graphic 1) Print one house for each child. Using an exacto knife or razor blade, cut around doors to hinges, so they can open. Glue house on top of a separate piece of paper. Have children draw their family inside the doors. 2- Object Lesson: Priesthood Toolbox (Graphics 2-3) Bring three or four tools from home and place them under chairs before sharing time begins. Ask those who have tools under their chair to bring them forward and tell what the tool is used for. Ask the children if these tools help us in our lives. Display the paper toolbox. Tell them that Heavenly Father has given us a very important tool; the Priesthood. Pass out the paper tools. Ask them to come up and tell how the Priesthood blesses their family, and put their tool in the toolbox. 3-Treat Tag: Mounds of Priesthood (Graphic 4) Print a tag for each child. Attach a small Mounds candy bar on the x. 4- Singing Time Idea: Noah’s Ark (Graphics 5-7) Print ark and animals. Color and cut. Put ark together as directed. Tell the children that Heavenly Father instructed Noah to put animals on the ark. Ask them what would have happened to the animals if Noah had not obeyed Heavenly Father (they would have been destroyed). Show the children the Proclamation to the World and tell them that Heavenly Father has given us special instructions for our families. If we follow His counsel, our families will be protected, but if we ignore His instructions our families could be destroyed. Have the children help you put the animals in the ark where they will be safe. Each time a child puts an animal in the ark, talk about a paragraph from the Proclamation and sing a song that goes with that paragraph.